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Welcome.    This is the beginning page for some fun.   From here you can visit the Seattle Banjo Club, the Puget Sound Region - Vintage Chevrolet Club or some stuff about the Barker Family
The 1,000th visitor 10/30/97
The 2,000th visitor 7/26/98
The 3,000th visitor 9/28/98
The 6,000th visitor 1/16/00

There are Only

Days until the Seattle Banjo Festival Riverboat Show!
Get more information about it at Banjo Festival

Recent Changes
(please scroll down this page for more info)

"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually produce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the Internet, we know that this is not true." --- Robert Silensky

1/14/00  Gifts Under $10 info (Chevrolet)
9/10/99 Photos of my
new '31 Chevy
8/8/99 Photos of Northwest Chev Meet
6/17/99  New menu for
Vintage Chevrolets
This site now fully managed with FP2K
     -> or FrontPage 2000 for you neophytes :-)

6/10/99 Barkerville WebCam online - evenings
5/7/99 Visit to Elvis Presley's grave in Memphis
4/19/99 Northwest Chev Meet forms now on-line
4/15/99 Pictures from the
1999 Seattle Banjo Festival
1/24/99  Pictures of the
VCCA Banquet
Your 1931 Chevrolet Headquarters (Find Elvira)
Fresh Salmon For Sale
  shipped directly to you from Ketchikan!!
 Banjo Festival 1999 info - New Hotel
10/28/98  Changes made to individual pages
especially Banjo, Chev (1931) Specs, 36 CG Photos
8/25/98 Grandpa's 90th Birthday
Banjo Books & CDs -for sale!!
7/31/98  1999 VCCA Northwest Meet -30 Photos
7/30/98  Mystery Photo 4 posted
I'm changing my email address (ughhhh) to

Older updates----------------------
1999 VCCA Northwest Meet info
VCCA Membership forms for PugetSound
6/21/98  Graduation Pics of Gina & Lisa
CGA Homecoming Reservations Form
6/14/98 The 1931 Chevrolet Specifications
25th Silver Wedding Anniversary Poem
Chat Areas for Banjo, Chev and CGA73
4/11/98 19 Pictures Portland Swap Meet
4/8/98  Banjo Festival photos
 CGA73 Homecoming info
3/14/98 More photos of Old Chevy garages
3/13/98 Banjo Newsletter now on the web!
The Barkerville Site arrives!
Bigger, better.  Email me if you find broken links.
I'll post your name in lights if you find a bad one!  Thx.
- Bill
Download Banjo songs now!
Sept-Dec 1997 Tappet Clatter
Lisa's Championship Volleyball Team
<<older dates removed for my sanity>>


Seattle Banjo Club

Banjo Chat


Seattle Banjo Festival
300+ Song Titles
Considered America's original musical instrument, the Banjo has a history that parallels that of our country. The styles of music that it has been associated with are as varied as our populations. The Seattle Banjo Club keeps the music from the 20's and 30's alive with 4 string versions of this American icon. (Lots of photos, along with over 300 song titles.)

Vintage Chevrolet Club of America

  Chev Chat
Free Classified Hobby Ads

1931 Chev Headquarters

120+ Photos of Tours, SwapMeets, Northwest Meets
There are many old Chevrolets in the world. One of the best clubs that exists in order to promote the continued restoration and use of these vehicles is the Vintage Chevrolet Club of America.    Included in these pages are photos from tours with the Puget Sound Region of the VCCA. As you can see, the old car hobby is a mixture of nostalgia, friendship and tinkering. It's the latter that keeps the cars on the road. Check into events like the Portland Swap Meet to see where you might find the necessary parts to keep these old babies running.

US Coast Guard
 Class of '73 Info

'73 Chat Group

USCG Academy
Truly the US Coast Guard is an institution within the United States. A little bit of trivia confirms that it is THE "oldest continuous sea-going service of the United States". Find out more about the US Coast Guard Academy via the US Dept. Of Transportation web site in Washington, DC.

Barker's Family Tree
(and its Roots)
Barker, Cole, Erwin, Ferrell, Reilly, Danielson, Corisdeo, Mylan, Anthony, Grissom, Bakkan, Malliot, Mullarkey, Brown, Hatton, Williamson, Betz, Anthony, etc
The Barker Family Tree.
(Click the highlighted surname on the left side of this section.)
All together we represent the following locations: Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, Oklahoma, California, Washington, Virginia, Texas, Sweden and some other woodsheds that shall remain un-named. Ha!

Welcome to Barkerville
What is Barkerville?
Who is Billy Barker?
Finally, a little place to tell you about the background of this site, it's author and the Computers that make it happen... otherwise known as "how I dun it".

Lost? Try our sitemap.gif (1445 bytes) <click on the ship's wheel>

Bill Barker, Bellevue, Washington, USA
Originally Posted: 10/1/95 ---- Most recent revision: 08/04/06