The Lincoln Twins - July 24, 2003

Arrival at 8 am today after only 10 hours in labor!  Alexander William Lincoln and Jacob Thomas Lincoln arrived with Dad and Mom present.  Also in a supporting role were Aunts Julie and Lisa, Grandmother Sis, Grandfather Bill and Uncle Tom!  Supporting by phone from Korea were Grandmother Kim and Grandfather Stephen.  (Wait until you see those long distance charges!!)

Alec William Lincoln - 5 lbs 6 oz 18" tall born at 7:08 am
Jake Thomas Lincoln - 6 lbs 2 oz 19" tall born at 7:09 am

Other family members who have birthdays in July - Gina, Steve, Julie, Lisa, Kim, Cathy and Uncle Bill!

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The Official CountDown Clock!

Exam 2 weeks before

When oh when?

Approx 1 hour old


Breathing on his own

Getting High on O2

Alec - for short


Me Got Hair!


Momma meets Alec


Getting high

Feeling Frisky!

Jake and his Dad

Bottoms up!

The Lincoln Twins

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